Tosai Koi for Sale—What is Tosai Koi Meaning?

Tosai - (TOH sye) - In its first year - up to one year old; is referring to koi age. When you buy tosai koi, you are purchasing it due to the lineage and future potential the koi has to grow big.

Selecting tosai can be difficult because the koi are at such a young age and not fully developed so it can be complicated to predict their final appearance. Look at koi lineage and consult an expert to determine if the koi has potential to be a jumbo tosai koi.

Why Select Tosai or Jumbo Tosai Koi for Sale?

Why Buy Tosai Koi?

There are many reasons why Tosai is popular. Many like to buy Tosai because of the value for money. Koi from famous breeders are much more affordable. In addition, it is fun to watch them grow. Koi are living and growing jewels. By raising them from Tosai, you can enjoy how they grow and become more beautiful.

Another benefit is that you do not need a lot of space. You can raise them in smaller ponds or even in indoor aquarium. Tosai koi will change. Koi may not change in a way you expected. However, pleasure is beyond description when Koi grow to or beyond your expectation.


Why Select Jumbo Tosai Koi for Sale?

A tosai koi is a koi that was born in the same fiscal year and thus is only 1 year old. This means Jumbo tosai and small tosai koi are the same, except one is bigger and can be well beyond 10 inches(25 cm).

When you buy a tosai koi, you are able to watch how big it grows in your pond!

The benefit of buying Jumbo Tosai lies in the potential of Koi. If Koi can grow much bigger than other average Tosai, it proves the Koi did receive DNA of growing big. So we can suspect the Koi will grow bigger and faster.

Tips for Choosing Tosai Koi (Video Description)

Isa Koi Farm Mitsunori Isa talks about how to select Tosai Koi!

"We have been producing Showas. I have been intently working on improving the sumi (black) for several years. We have won many awards in the All Japan Koi Shows. We can never tell which Koi can be future winners when they are small. We select Tategoi (potential Koi). Then, future winners start showing their potentials afterwards. When I select, I will pay close attention to Kiwa (edge) of Beni (red), than color of beni. When Kiwa is sharp, beni quality will get to finish eventually. About Sumi, I have nothing but trusting the parents. Because Sumi is not something visible, whether it takes 5 or even 6 years, we must trust the blood of the parents. The faith and good husbandry will repay you. Seriously, being patient is my style. Even I am a breeder, i can not see what I can not see. So first thing is Kiwa in Tosai Koi. It is very important to check Kiwa when we select small Koi (tosai)."

We have Tosai koi available to buy online if shown below the search field. If not, contact us with what you're looking for and we'll help find the right koi. Good luck in your hunt to find the perfect Jumbo Tosai or small Tosai koi for your pond.


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