Treasure Hunt Auction

Kodama Koi Farm is proud to introduce a Treasure Hunt Koi Auction

Auction Schedule:


Part 1 Begins  Tuesday, March 18th @ 1600 through Saturday, March 22nd @1500 - 48 Koi


Part 2 Begins  Wednesday, March 19th @ 1700 through Sunday, March 23rd @1500 - 48 Koi


Part 3 Begins  Thursday, March 20th @ 1600 through Monday, March 24th @1500 - 36 Koi


🎉 Treasure Hunt Auction is Here! 🎉


Test your eye for Koi and find a great deal!


In this auction, 2-year-old, 3-year-old, and Tosai Koi start at just $100, $50, and $10!   A total of 132 Koi are waiting for you.


What kind of Koi will you discover? It’s up to you!   Just like a treasure hunt, search for your favorite Koi and make it yours!

Search Available Koi in This Category
Can't find the koi you're looking for? Click here to use our koi request form

Request the Koi of Your Dreams

What can we help you find?

Let us know more about what you are searching for and we will look into our inventory to help you find the perfect koi. Tell us a description, variety, size range, and price range you are searching for.

We have a large stock of koi that are not listed on our website and we can also look when we are visiting Niigata, Japan. Complete this form and we will follow up with you directly.


Koi Request Form