Hiroi Doitsu Special Auction


Auction starts: 01-31-2023 4:00 pm

Auction ends: 02-04-2023 3:00 pm

*Note Start and End Times are Hawaii Standard Time.

History Of Doitsu

Doitsugoi are koi that are not fully scaled and usually with a row of scales along each lateral line and the dorsal fin.

About 100 years ago, in 1904 Doitsugoi were imported from Germany. While Japanese carp were fully scaled, the carp from Germany had two scales.

The Doitsu were used as food because they had strong resistance against disease and very good growth rates.

Mr. Kichigoro Akiyama, a Koi breeder, observed the strong Doitsu and tried to cross it with Asagi, a variety representing Japanese koi. This began the development of the Doitsu Kohaku.

Now there are many varieties of Doitsu koi including Doitsu Showa, Doitsu Kohaku, Doitsu Sanke, and Doitsu Hariwake Butterfly.

Hiroi Koi Farm

Hiroi Koi Farm is one of the most established breeders with 80 + years of history in Niigata, Japan.

Kazu and Nobu, the twin brothers says "they are very fascinated with the change Koi can make.

Koi change its body shape, color and pattern as they grow.

They have been famous for Doitsu Showa, Goshiki and Ginrin Goshiki.

What amazes us is that he always challenges new varieties and still produce high quality Koi.

Producing high level Koi at one variety is hard enough. The Hiroi twin brothers constantly add new varieties and seems easily breed such high quality ones.

Hiroi Koi Specialty: Doitsu Showa, Doitsu Sanke, Doitsu Ochibashigure, Ginrin Showa, Ginrin Goshiki, , Kohaku, Showa, Sanke, Kikusui, , and more

Hiroi breeder collage
Hiroi mud pond

Learn More About Hiroi Doitsu With These Kodama Showcases! 

Doitsu Auction Koi Available!

We couldn't find any products in our online store for your search in our Hiroi Doitsu Special Auction catalog,
BUT we may have inventory at the farm or in Japan, so please use the "Request a Koi" form to help us find your perfect koi fish.

Koi Auctions Ending Soon!

Place your bids now to win your choice of beautiful Japanese koi for sale at a great price! We always have a variety of fixed price koi and consistently run koi auctions ending daily; with most special auctions ending on Wednesday and Sunday each week.

A Variety of Koi Buying Options at Kodama Koi Farm

A Variety of Koi Buying Options at Kodama Koi Farm

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