Kodama Koi Shipping Calculator

Use this tool to estimate the cost of shipping within the USA and see how many more koi for sale can be added to your shipment.

This calculator is only an estimate and is not exactly your total cost for shipping koi from Kodama.

For Exact Shipping Cost – Contact our team via phone (833) 564-5683), email, or contact form to confirm your shipment costs before or after purchasing koi. Read our FAQs for more shipping and ordering information.

Click sizes links in results to see a list of more koi that will fit in the box.

Box Size Weight Capacity Fee
Mini Box 15 lb Up to 5 tosai (koi under 1 year old and about 6 in. long) $99
Medium Box 50 lb Up to three (3) koi 16 in. or less $190
Large Box 55 lb Up to four (4) koi 16 in. or less $210
Extra Large Box 70 lb At the farm manager’s discretion $330

Note: Additional $25.00 per box for Saturday delivery. Any koi that is over 18.6 inches is shipped by itself in one large box.

Welcome to the calculator

Please enter the number of KOI that you need in front of the sizes mentioned

Size in CM Size in Inch # of KOI


What Size(s) box will I need?


How Many Koi Will Fit?