Enjoy this customer story why James only buys koi from Kodama Koi Farm
James R: “I’ve been keeping Koi for the last 15 years, this is my third pond. It’s a little over 9,000 gallons. I do cover it with a greenhouse, so that I can control the environment a little more. Plus we have quite a lot of oak trees and animals in the area, so it just better protects them.
I have three retro bottom drains that feed to a red label RDF. Which then feeds to a five-tier Baki Shower.
I’ve always had a fascination with Japanese culture. When I was younger I did martial arts as a I got older, I found an art that was a little easier on the body. I practice the art of bonsai and of course the art of KOI.
When I first started koi keeping koi I made a lot of mistakes that beginners usually do. I made a pond that was too small and quickly over stocked it with koi, and was buying my koi from multiple dealers.
Everything changed for me when the Kodama family opened up their store in Long Island, New York. It was the first time I was able to see large koi and all the distinct varieties. Mr. Kodama did a great job with weekly seminars, educating on principles of how readers judge koi in Japan. Mr. Kodama has always treated everyone more like family as opposed to a customer.
I buy my koi from Kodama Koi Farm because I don’t look at them as a dealer, I look to them more as a partner in helping me achieve my koi goals. My favorite type of KOI are from the Gosanke Group: Kohaku, Showa, and Taisho Sanke.
Kodama Koi Farm are straightforward and honest. They really have a strong quarantine regime to really protect against things like KHV, and always ensures the health of my koi. I highly recommend to buy your koi from Kodama Koi Farm.”
Video Interview with James by His Pond
Enjoy this customer story why James feeds his Koi Mr. Kodama Koi Food
James R: “I’ve been feeding Kodama Koi Food for the last 10 years reason being it has quality ingredients it really helps me maximize the full potential of my koi whether it comes to growth, color or overall shine.
Depending on what time of year I usually start with Mr. Kodama All Season koi food when it’s a little cooler out and then move to Mr. Kodama Color Up when the weather gets a little warmer and the koi are growing much quicker.
I know that they use the same food at the Kodama koi farm in Hawaii and when I’ve had my koi shipped to me after it’s been in quarantine for some time I’m always impressed with the growth and the way they look when they arrive.”
This is also the same food that Mr. Kodama designed, formulated, and fed to his koi to help him win Grand Champion in Japan.
Types of Koi Food James Uses
Color Up is designed to enhance the color and health of koi scales because it include high quality spirulina. Spirulina will also improve the immune system and flesh quality of your koi.
Wheat germ koi food that helps grow koi big, beautiful, and healthy all year around. All Season/Wheat Germ is formulated for maximum koi growth and health, and its digestibility.