Dainichi Omosako Aloha Koi Show Auction


World Famous Breeders

Dainichi Koi Farm Mr. Shigeru Mano and
Omosako Koi Farm Mr.Takayoshi Omosako

Highly appreciated insight – for a first time ever worldwide respected Koi breeders, Mr. Shigeru Mano and Mr. Takayoshi Omosako, have shared how they judge koi and explain each koi’s beautiful traits. Each video will definitely expand your view of the koi world.

See for yourself the true beauty of Japanese Koi and don’t get left out of the last minute bidding.
Secure your Koi with an appropriate maximum bid and get the bidding edge.

Mr. Shigeru Mano’s comments on this Koi from various angles.

Dainichi Showa  Sex: Male  45.00 cm (17.72 in)

Mr. Shigeru Mano’s comments on this Koi from various angles.

Dainichi Kohaku  Sex: Male 45.00 cm (17.72 in)

Mr.Takayoshi Omosako‘s comments on this Koi from various angles.


Omosako Shiro Utsuri  Sex: Female  46.00 cm (18.11 in)

Mr.Takayoshi Omosako‘s comments on this Koi from various angles.

Omosako Shiro Utsuri  Sex: Male  44.00 cm (17.32 in)

Mr. Shigeru Mano’s comments on this Koi from various angles.

Dainichi Kohaku  Sex: Female  49.00 cm (19.29 in)

Mr. Shigeru Mano’s comments on this Koi from various angles.

Dainichi Showa  Sex: Female   53.00 cm (20.87 in)

Mr.Takayoshi Omosako‘s comments on this Koi from various angles.

Omosako Shiro Utsuri  Sex: Female  46.00 cm (18.11 in)

Mr.Takayoshi Omosako‘s comments on this Koi from various angles.

Omosako Shiro Utsuri  Sex: Male  49.00 cm (19.29 in)